Lawmakers Can Lower Costs
and Provide Tools
to Save for Your Future
With the rise in cost of living, Arizonans are struggling to keep their
head above water. Arizona families shouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. They should be able to save for the future and have stability. Elected officials need to work on lowering prices on essential goods
for everyday Arizonans.
That's why Democrats at the Legislature are working to provide tools
for Arizonans to build a better life. Long-term solutions for Arizonans
to live a happy and stable life include retirement options, affordable housing, and minimizing junk fees.
Hard Worker
Mountain Top
How Democrats Are Providing You
With Tools to Build a Better Life
Take Action!
Email your lawmaker to support these bills to lower costs. Your lawmaker's support is crucial in ensuring these bills become law. Complete the form below to email your lawmaker.